Interall is proud to publish the results of
the 12th Aluminium Two Thousand World Congress
and the 7th ICEB (International Conference on Extrusion and Benchmark)
held at the Royal Hotel Carlton in Bologna from the 19 to the 23 of September.
The event saw the participation of more than 80 highly qualified “aluspecialists” from businesses, universities and associations from more than 30 countries, all presenting the most innovative technologies and their applications for aluminium to a specialized, international audience.
An important mention goes to the prestigious collaboration with the Engineering Department of the University of Bologna and of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, under the direction of prof. Lorenzo Donati.
During the three days of conferences tens of highly qualified papers were presented, encompassing all fields of aluminium application.
All abstracts and papers submitted are available for consultation or download in the Conference Proceedings.
Participants will find the access credentials in the first pages of their Book of Abstract.
Non-participants are welcome to contact us at to acquire them.
Based on author’s request, the abstracts and the full papers will be reviewed for publication on KEM Scientific Journal (Key Engineering Materials).
"I wish to congratulate for such a successful congress, where I had the opportunity to meet new friends..."
- Alfredo Flores Valdes, Cinvestav-IPN, Mexico -
"The organization of the congress was excellent. Very prompt and useful corresponcende. The papers presented were very informative and highly scientific.... "
- Elena David, National Institute for Cryogenic and Isotopic Tehcnologies, Romania -