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New Abstract submission: May15th, 2023
Paper Submission: May 31st, 2023
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Submit your abstract following the template available at conference website, based on author’s request, the abstracts and the full papers will be reviewed for publication on Scientific Journal (Materials Today: Proceedings by Elsevier) or on Conference Proceedings.
MARKETS & STRATEGIES: The traditional markets: Europe, USA, Canada, Middle East, The Gulf, Far East, Brazil, India, China and their present and future role - New emerging countries: Mexico, Central and South America
ALLOYS BILLETS & RELATED EQUIPMENT: Foundry - Aluminium casthouse technology - Billet quality - Billet casting - Homogenization - Use of primary aluminium and scrap - High speed alloys
ROLLING TECHNOLOGY: Innovative equipment - New application of aluminium coil and sheet in the industry
ARCHITECTURE & SPECIAL USES: Building systems - Curtain walls - Design & Construction - CAD/CAM - Exterior & Interior Finishing - Renewal and Maintenance - Windows & Doors - New applications
TRANSPORT & AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY: Product and process innovations - Aeronautics - Nautical - Automotive - Rail sectors - Patents - Computer technologies - Mechanical processing - Alloys - Design and innovation
ANODIZING: Racking & Jigging - Pretreatment - Mechanical & Chemical Etching - High-Speed Anodizing - Anodizing and colouring of special alloys from casting and die casting - Hard Anodizing - Rectifiers - New Dipping & Electrocolouring Colours - Patterned Effects - Advances in Sealing - Nickel free cold sealing - Vertical Plants – Automatic Racking
COATING: Powder & Wet Processes - Pretreatments - Chrome-free products - High-Performance Polyesters - Powder Coil Coating - Small Lots Handling - Vertical & Horizontal Plants - Compact Plants - Filiform and Point Defects - Adhesion Problems - New Powder Application Methods - Wood effects - Paints - Coating materials - Raw materials for paints - Paint production systems for powder coating
NANO TECHNOLOGIES applied to aluminium
AUTOMATION: The “Intelligent Plant” - Automatic Extrusion - Anodizing with Automatic Racking - Fully Automatic Coating Plants - Automation in Profile Packing - Automatic Warehouse - Internet for aluminium technologies
MEASURING, TESTING & QUALITY TECHNIQUES: Certification - Computerized Technologies - Measurement and control techniques - Measurement Instruments - Quality Management & Control - Testing - Materials analysis
ADVANCED APPLICATIONS & RESEARCH: Materials handling - Automation systems - New patents - New applications - Aluminium and Sportive equipment
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION & RECYCLING: Accident Prevention - Anti-pollution machinery - Innovative plants - Environmental Technology - Recovery and Materials recycling - Safety Equipment - Technology and processes - Effluent and Fumes Treatment - Water saving - Zero discharge - Ecological systems and equipment - Sludge reduction - Sulphate reduction in the effluents
CASTING & DIE CASTING: Casting processes - Solidification - Simulation - Rapid casting - Innovative processes – New materials and alloys - Defects - Microstructure and Properties - Heat treatments - Mould design
• PROCESS MANAGEMENT: The Challenge For Competitiveness: Innovative Technologies Introduction on the Shop Floor - Management Strategies - Process Development - Quality Assessment
• PROCESS QUALITY: Charge Materials - Pre-Furnace Treatment - Melting - Fluxing - Grain Refinement - Filling and Feeding Systems - Grain Refinement - Cast Microstructures and Defects
• PROCESS MONITORING: From Raw Material to the Final Casting: Sensors - Analysis Devices - Data Management - The role of ERPs within the Process Monitoring
• PROCESS INNOVATION: Novel Technologies or Technology Enhancement: Innovation in Casting Practice
• PROCESS SIMULATION: Prediction Models - Validation - Optimization - Codesign/Cross Linking Between Process - Structural Simulation
• NEW ALLOYS: The Role of New Alloying Elements on Product Performances and their Compatibility with Casting Process
"I wish to congratulate for such a successful congress, where I had the opportunity to meet new friends..."
- Alfredo Flores Valdes, Cinvestav-IPN, Mexico -
"The organization of the congress was excellent. Very prompt and useful corresponcende. The papers presented were very informative and highly scientific.... "
- Elena David, National Institute for Cryogenic and Isotopic Tehcnologies, Romania -